The and... Podcast

a Synergy Podcast

Why and... ?

Have you ever stopped and thought about the word “and”? It’s a rather small word, with such a large and important purpose in our communications. “And” adds to joins things... concepts....people.

That’s the theme of this podcast.

Let me give you an example: I’m your host, Shawn Welty. While I am the host, I’m also a therapist, a member of a large family, a self-professed geek, AND a music lover. See what happened there? If you just limited me to one role or descriptor (host, son, geek, music lover, OR therapist), you'd miss the depth of experiences that myself as a person provides. The same can be said for different aspects of life.

Together on the podcast, we will explore how topics synergize with others, how they merge together and complement each other, rather than look at it from a typical “either/or” or "but" format. Each episode will focus on how human behavior and psychology are involved with these different topics. We will hear from various everyday people - and maybe even some more known people as well - and hear their takes on topics that they are passionate about.

I invite you to join me as we meet these amazing people and share in their experiences on The And… Podcast.

Listen to the latest episode

Do you have a way that counseling and psychology have affected your life? Let me know and you might be a guest!


Contact Synergy Counseling Services to get more information on the project